
HyExperts II: District of Havelland

About the region

The 164,000-inhabitant Havelland district is located in the west of Brandenburg and borders Berlin in the east. Havelland is known far beyond its borders not only through Fontane’s literature (Herr von Ribbeck), but also because of its many nature reserves – environmentally friendly living and farming has long been an important issue here. Since 2013, these goals have been set out in the integrated climate protection concept, which will be updated even more ambitiously in 2021 and is currently being implemented by two climate protection managers.

The “Nauener Platte” wind farm is one of the largest in Germany, and a large number of PV and biogas plants are also in operation, so that the district can already cover more than 100% of its own electricity requirements from renewable sources. Now, among other things, this surplus renewable electricity is to be used to produce green hydrogen, primarily for the transport sector.

Hydrogen mission of the region

Production of H2, including:

  • By means of a new type of plasma gasification process for non-recyclable residual materials in Premnitz, which is currently in the approval process
  • In buses of the growing public transport sector & trucks of the important logistics industry
  • In special vehicles of all kinds, e.g. public waste disposal companies
  • In traditional, regional rail transport, which is undergoing modernisation
  • Integrated use of waste heat and in other sectors such as industry

Transport and storage of H2: Development of the required infrastructure Project objective: Implement economically viable pilot projects and value chains, and thereby make a contribution towards climate protection

The HyExperts stakeholders:

ABO Wind – BMV Energie – BSH Nauen – BTC Havelland – Bürgerinitiative Falkensee – DESAG – E.DIS. – EEW Premnitz – EMB – Energiewendelabor Ketzin/Havel – GASAG – Dallgow- Döberitz – Milower Land – Schönwalde-Glien – Wustermark – GFZ Potsdam – H2 Power ‘n’ Heat – Havelbus – HAVI Logistics – HVLE Eisenbahn – HAW Abfallwirtschaft – KP Logistik – District of Ostprignitz- Ruppin – District of Prignitz – MAP Rathenow – MoviaTec – MWAE – naturwind – Neue Energien Premnitz – Offergeld Logistik – Pritsch Advisors – RAIL BB – RLI – Cities of Ketzin/Havel – Rathenow – Falkensee – Nauen – Stadtwerke Premnitz – TRAFÖ – TU Berlin – WFBB – WiTan

Project contact

Christine Fliegner
Havelland District, Project Management & Head of Environmental Office
+49 3321 403 543

© iStock, Teka77

HyBayern – Grüne Wasserstoffmodellregion

Aufbau eines geschlossenen Kreislaufs aus grüner H2 Erzeugung, -verteilung und -nutzung
Landkreis Landshut, Ebersberg, München
42 Mio. Euro
Durch die Nutzung des grünen Wasserstoffs als Kraftstoff für den Betrieb von 35 neuen Brennstoff­zellen- Bussen, 30 Pkw, Flurförder­zeugen und dem geplanten Wasserstoff-Technologie-Anwender­zentrum werden jährlich bis zu 4.500 Tonnen CO2 Tonnen CO2 eingespart.