
HyExperts I: Region Emscher-Lippe

District of Recklinghausen, City of Bottrop, City of Gelsenkirchen

Aim: Overall concept for the use of H2 in mobility and logistics

Duration: 09/20 to 08/21

Project description

Hydrogen mobility for the Emscher-Lippe region

As part of HyExperts, the region is developing an integrated overall concept for the use of hydrogen in mobility and logistics. The region is a pioneer in hydrogen production and processing. It is home to a topic-specific technology centre (h2herten) and, with various lighthouse projects along the entire hydrogen value chain, offers an ideal environment to also make decisive advances in the application of hydrogen technology. Building on these competencies and with the participation of the unique structure of local stakeholders, solutions for the widespread use of hydrogen mobility are to be developed rapidly. 

With this approach, the region seeks to make a concrete contribution to environmental and climate protection locally and at the same time provide new impulses for the development of climate-friendly transport concepts in urban centres with rural (sub-)areas. In the various usage sectors of mobility and logistics, this creates a blueprint for the transition from grey to green hydrogen and from diesel to fuel cells.

The process is open to further participation from the region. Results are expected in late summer 2021 and will be presented in the form of a guideline for action.

Project contacts
Dr. Uta Willim
Recklinghausen district administration

Dr. Hanno Butsch
Project management
BBH Consulting

HyBayern – Grüne Wasserstoffmodellregion

Aufbau eines geschlossenen Kreislaufs aus grüner H2 Erzeugung, -verteilung und -nutzung
Landkreis Landshut, Ebersberg, München
42 Mio. Euro
Durch die Nutzung des grünen Wasserstoffs als Kraftstoff für den Betrieb von 35 neuen Brennstoff­zellen- Bussen, 30 Pkw, Flurförder­zeugen und dem geplanten Wasserstoff-Technologie-Anwender­zentrum werden jährlich bis zu 4.500 Tonnen CO2 Tonnen CO2 eingespart.