HyStarter I: Hydrogen Region Reutlingen
District of Reutlingen
The district of Reutlingen is located in the Stuttgart metropolitan region and consists of the rural Alb plateau and the more industrially dominated Alb foothills which are home to a number of large companies such as Robert Bosch GmbH and ElringKlinger AG.

Background to the region
Climate protection and air quality are issues that authorities and industry are increasingly addressing. In the future, hydrogen in combination with the fuel cell can provide significant support here. Robert Bosch GmbH, for example, is already working intensively on the industrialisation of fuel cell technology and intends to commence series production in three years at the latest. ElringKlinger AG is also active in the field of fuel cells for mobility applications and has extensive expertise in alternative drive technologies. A strengthening of the cooperation between Bosch and the district is being sought – with the inclusion of smaller and larger companies – within the scope of HyStarter.
For many years, the district of Reutlingen has been actively shaping a process of sustainable regional development with programmes such as PLENUM, Regionen aktiv, LEADER and the Swabian Alb biosphere area. These processes, with their stakeholders and underlying frameworks, provide a good basis for the development of a hydrogen region in the district of Reutlingen. Also as part of the RegioWIN network FORTUNA Neckar-Alb, the regional development concept is currently being further refined with a focus on “Advanced Materials and Energy Logistics”. Already in 2018, the “Neckar-Alb Virtual Power Plant” was put into operation with the participation of a wide range of partners.
By establishing a hydrogen network, the district of Reutlingen would like to further promote sustainable regional development in the context of the energy transition, strengthen future technologies and resolutely pursue the climate protection process. The external support and competence as well as the networking of the stakeholders to develop a joint concept is seen as a great opportunity to establish hydrogen as a key technology for a sector-coupled, renewable energy economy in the district of Reutlingen. Hydrogen could also be an attractive option for numerous biogas plants in the district after the expiry of the renewable energy subsidies.
By participating in the HyStarter project, a feasible concept is to be created that will strengthen the region in terms of sustainable development and contribute to the climate goals.
Project contact
Dr. Meike Widdig, Climate Protection Officer, Reutlingen District Office
Gertrud Gandenberger,
District of Tübingen
Project flyer
Regional concept